Sunday, November 22, 2009


When you meet a girl from another factory,you quickly took her measure.What year are you? you asked each other,as if spaeking not of human beings but of the makes of cars.How much a month? Including room and board?How much for overtime?Then you might ask what province she was from.You never asked her name........ Girls slept twelve to a room,,and in the tight confines of the dorm it was better to keep your secrets.Some girls joined the factory with borrowed id cards and never told anyone their real names.Some spoke only to those from their home provinces,but that had risks: Gossip traveled from factory to villages,......The best day of the month was payday.But in a way it was the worstday,too.After you had worked hard for so long,it was infuriating to see how much had been docked for silly things:being a few minutes late one morning,or taking a half day off for feeling sick,or having to pay extra when the winter uniforms switched to summer ones.On pay day, everyone crowded the post office to wire money to their families......The girls talked constantly of leaving.Workers were required to stay six months,even then permission to quit was not always granted.The factory held the first two months odf every worker's pay; leaving without approval meant losing that money........The pressing need for a place to eat and sleep was incentive to find work fast.....Lu Qingmin works at Carrin Electronics.The Hong KOng owned company made alarms clocks,calculators...... Workers slept twelve to aroom in bunks crowded near toilts: the rooms were dirty and they smelled bad.The food in the canteen was bad too.....A day in the assembly line stretched from 8 in the morning until midnight-thirteen hours on the jobs plus two breaks for meals...The workers made four hundred yuan a month-the equivalents of fifty dollors-- but the pay was often late.Talking on the job was forbiddenand carried a five-yuan fine.Bathroom breaks were limited to ten minutes and required a sign up list.
From "Factory Girls" By Leslie T.Chang